Master of Theological Studies Degree (MTS)

This program is designed to strengthen the religious basis of a person’s life and work, whether in a secular career or church-related career, by providing the student with a general theological understanding as well as the opportunity for in-depth study and specialization.

The Sheptytsky Institute offers a broad array of courses in Eastern Christianity that can be used for credit in this program. A typical program length of 2 years full-time study consists of twenty (20) units of study with foundational courses, in-depth courses, electives, and a summative exercise. The program can also be completed on a part-time basis.

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Master of Theological Studies Degree (MTS) – St. Michael’s College

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Course Requirements

5 Philosophy prerequisites are required for this program.

  • Foundational Courses (5 Units)

    1. Introduction to the Old Testament
    2. Introduction to the New Testament
    3. Foundations of Eastern Christian Theology
    4. Introduction to Eastern Ethics
    5. History I
  • In-Depth Courses (7 Units)

    1. Old Testament – Any Course
    2. New Testament – Any Course
    3. Systematics – Three-Personed God
    4. Systematics – Christ the Saviour
    5. Additional Course in Ethics (e.g. Eastern Christian Approaches to Contemporary Ethical Issues)
    6. History: General Introduction to the Eastern Churches
    7. Course in Pastoral Theology (e.g. Canonical Tradition of the Christian East)
  • Electives (6 Units)

    1. Introduction to Byzantine Liturgy OR Byzantine Sacraments
    2. ECS Elective (3)
    3. Free Elective (2)
  • Electives – Option 1: Field Education (2 Units)

    1. Theology of Ministry
    2. Field Education and Theological Reflection Seminar
  • Electives – Option 2: Research Paper (2 Units)

    1. Free Elective
    2. Major Research Paper
  • Electives – Option 3: Thesis (2 Units)

    1. Thesis