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Calendar - Salvation in Metropolitan Ilarion’s Sermon on Law and Grace

Salvation in Metropolitan Ilarion’s Sermon on Law and Grace

The Sermon on Law and Grace is the first dated
work of Ukrainian literature, written in the early 11th
century. It is attributed to Metropolitan Ilarion of Kyiv,
the first bishop elected to the role without the approval
of the Patriarch of Constantinople.
This lecture investigates how Metropolitan Ilarion
weaves together the themes for Christ’s Resurrection,
the conversion of the Holy Prince Volodymyr, and
aspirations from the land Rus’. Is there a unifying
rhetorical strategy that ties these parts together into a
cohesive literary work? A closer examination of how
the theme of salvation is developed will provide deeper
insight into the theological depth and literary mastery
of Metropolitan Ilarion.

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