Fr. Andrew Summerson

Rev. Dr. Andrew Summerson

Fr. Andrew Summerson joins the faculty of Theology as Assistant Professor of Greek Patristics and Eastern Christian Studies for the 2021-2022 school year.  He holds a doctorate in Patristic Theology from the Pontifical Patristic Institute, “Augustinianum.” He is the author of Divine Scripture and Human Emotion in Maximus the Confessor (Brill 2021) and numerous articles. We are excited to have Fr Summerson join our community!

Prof. Jaroslav Skira

Prof. Jaroslav Skira holds a Ph.D. from Saint Michael’s College in Toronto. He specializes in contemporary Orthodox systematics (particularly Trinitarian theology) and Eastern Christian ecclesiology. He has been a sessional lecturer in our summer program in Univ, Ukraine: THO 2130 Sources of Holy Tradition (Summer 1996) and THO 2182 Eastern Christian Doctrine: Triadology, Christology and Pneumatology (Summer 1997). He also taught THO 2198 Ecclesiology in East and West in our summer intensive program in Orangeville, Ontario (Summer 2000).