Sergius Bulgakov, Epigenetics, and a New Analogy for Original Sin
Walter N. Sisto (1)
Jean-Luc Marion’s Reception of Pseudo-Dionysius: Theology and Liturgy as a Single Mode of “Iconic Living”
Thomas Kenton Hubschmid (19)
The Comedic Structure of Human Nature in the Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete
Richard René (43)
Notes, Essays, Lectures
Honest to God: Reflections on Confession and Desire
Aristotle Papanikolaou (69)
Alexander Men and the Russian Religious Renaissance within Russia
Robert Wild (87)
Primacy and Power
Adam A.J. DeVille (101)
Deification in the “Body” of Christ: Incarnation, Eucharist, and Church in the Hymns of St. Symeon the New Theologion
Jason Lamantia (117)
Documents, Liturgical Texts
Particular Law of the Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church (An Unofficial Translation)
Oleh Bych and Alexander Laschuk (135)
Akathist for the Synaxis of the Holy Healers
Brian A. Butcher (219)
Review Essays
Sergius Bulgakov’s Encounter with German Idealism
Robert F. Slesinski (241)
Book Reviews
Christiann Kappes, The Epiclesis Debate at the Council of Florence
(Alexander Turpin) (251)
Nikolaos Asproulis and John Chryssavgis, eds., Theology as Doxology and Dialogue: The Essential Writings of Nikos Nissiotis
(Nathan Bradford Williams) (256)
Alice-Mary Talbot, Varieties of Monastic Experience in Byzantium, 800-1453
(Cyril Kennedy) (259)
Sean T. Doyle, The Apostolic See and the Eastern Catholic Churches: From the Tridentine Era to the Present, Kanonika 29
(Alexander Laschuk) (263)
Jean-Claude Larchet, Theology of the Body, trans. Michael Donley
(Deborash Patrick-Larmour) (265)
James R. Payton Jr., The Victory of the Cross: Salvation in Eastern Orthodoxy
(Cyril Kennedy) (268)
Georgios Boudalis, The Codex and Crafts in Late Antiquity
(Maria Theotokos Adams, SSVM) (272)
Contributors (277)
Resources, Programs, Books, Back Issues
Language: English
Softcover: v, 290 pages
Publisher: The Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies