З хорватської мови переклав Антін В. Івахнюк
(The Chronicle of The Priest from Kuklja The Oldest South Slavic Chronicle, Translated from the Croation by Antin V. Iwachniuk)
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The Chronicle of the Priest of Duklja (Serbo-Croatian: Ljetopis popa Dukljanina) is the name given to a medieval chronicle written by an anonymous priest from Duklja. Its oldest preserved copy is from the 17th century, though it has been variously claimed by modern historians to have been compiled between the late 12th and early 15th century. It contains semi-mythological material on the early history of the Western South Slavs.
The publication of this volume is financed by the Iwachniuk Ukrainian Studies and Research Fund at the University of Ottawa.
Language: Ukrainian
Softcover: xxii, 83 pages, illus., maps, index of names, index of geographical places
Publisher: University of Ottawa Press (1986)
ISBN: 077660144X