Two Documents of the Ukrainian Catholic Church 1911-1976

Michael H. Marunchak (Editor), Vasyl Markus (Introduction)


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by Michael H. Marunchak (Editor), Vasyl Markus (Introduction)

Table of Contents
Address on the Ruthenian Question to Their Lordships The Archbishops and Bishops of Canada

  1. The number of Ruthenians in Canada
  2. Seriousness of the problem
  3. What has been done for the Ruthenians in Canada
  4. Programme of the Protestants
  5. What remains to be done
  6. The necessity of a Ruthenian bishop
  7. Answers to objections

Appeal of the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops to His Holiness Pope Paul VI expressed in an address by His Beatitude Josyp Cardinal Slipyj

Language: English
Softcover: xiii, 25 pages
Publisher: The National Council of Ukrainian Organizations for the Patriarchate of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, Winnipeg (1977)

Digital File: $8
Size: 8.8 MB
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Page Count

xiii, 25 pages