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Daily Vespers and Veggie Supper
Elmsley Hall Chapel 81 St Mary Street, Toronto, ON, CanadaDaily Vespers: Holy Myrrhbearers Orthodox Mission
Elmsley Hall Chapel 81 St Mary Street, Toronto, ON, CanadaDaily Vespers: Holy Myrrhbearers Orthodox Mission
Elmsley Hall Chapel 81 St Mary Street, Toronto, ON, CanadaSalvation in Metropolitan Ilarion’s Sermon on Law and Grace
Sheptytsky InstituteThe Sermon on Law and Grace is the first dated work of Ukrainian literature, written in the early 11th century. It is attributed to Metropolitan Ilarion of Kyiv, the first […]
Daily Matins
Elmsley Hall Chapel 81 St Mary Street, Toronto, ON, CanadaDaily Vespers and Veggie Supper
Elmsley Hall Chapel 81 St Mary Street, Toronto, ON, CanadaDaily Vespers: Holy Myrrhbearers Orthodox Mission
Elmsley Hall Chapel 81 St Mary Street, Toronto, ON, CanadaDaily Vespers: Holy Myrrhbearers Orthodox Mission
Elmsley Hall Chapel 81 St Mary Street, Toronto, ON, CanadaDivine Liturgy
Elmsley Hall Chapel 81 St Mary Street, Toronto, ON, Canada
War, Peace and Truth: An Evening with Sviatoslav Shevchuk and Timothy Snyder
Isabel Bader Theatre Victoria University in the University of Toronto 93 Charles St. W, Toronto, Ontario, Canada+Sviatoslav Shevchuk, head of the more than 5 million Ukrainian Catholics worldwide, will deliver a public lecture at the Isabel Bader Theatre at Victoria College (93 Charles Street West) at […]