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Daily Vespers: Holy Myrrhbearers Orthodox Mission
Elmsley Hall Chapel 81 St Mary Street, Toronto, ON, CanadaDaily Vespers: Holy Myrrhbearers Orthodox Mission
Elmsley Hall Chapel 81 St Mary Street, Toronto, ON, Canada
Public Seminar-Series on Genesis and Exodus
The Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute is hosting two public seminar-series led by Rev. Dr. Jack Custer focused on the Biblical Books of Genesis and Exodus. The dates for the first […]
Daily Matins
Elmsley Hall Chapel 81 St Mary Street, Toronto, ON, CanadaDaily Vespers and Veggie Supper
Elmsley Hall Chapel 81 St Mary Street, Toronto, ON, CanadaDaily Vespers: Holy Myrrhbearers Orthodox Mission
Elmsley Hall Chapel 81 St Mary Street, Toronto, ON, CanadaDaily Vespers: Holy Myrrhbearers Orthodox Mission
Elmsley Hall Chapel 81 St Mary Street, Toronto, ON, Canada
Public Seminar-Series on Genesis and Exodus
The Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute is hosting two public seminar-series led by Rev. Dr. Jack Custer focused on the Biblical Books of Genesis and Exodus. The dates for the first […]