Calendar - Study Days 2023 – The Art(s) of Prayer
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Study Days 2023 – The Art(s) of Prayer
Study Days 2023
June 23-25, 2023
The Art(s) of Prayer
This summer’s study days brings together how Eastern Christians hold that saving beauty of the Word made Flesh before their eyes, hearts, ears, and minds through prayer. Come hear the best speakers—both experts and experienced practitioners on the subject—to lead you through all the ways God seizes us by beauty in the liturgy, in our prayer rule, in our every day.
Co-Sponsored by the Orthodox School of Theology at Trinity College
Keynote Presenters:
Fr. David Anderson
“The Transforming Power of a Liturgically Centered Life”

Father David Anderson is a priest of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Chicago. He completed his graduate theological studies at St. Vladimir’s Seminary in 1978, was ordained to the priesthood in 1983, and served as a parish priest for 36 years. He is also a published translator of patristic and Byzantine liturgical texts, and has presented many classes on liturgy and the Church Fathers throughout the United States. He serves as an online instructor for the Institute of Catholic Culture, God With Us Online, and Magdala Apostolate. In 2019, he moved to Lander, Wyoming, where he is presently the Byzantine-rite chaplain and adjunct professor of theology at Wyoming Catholic College.
Fr. Michael Bombak

“The Name above all names: Living the Jesus Prayer in the Modern World”
Fr. Michael Bombak is a graduate of the Metropolitan Shepytysky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies. He was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on January 1, 2016, and completed his Master of Theology through Newman Theological College in 2020. Over the last three years Fr. Michael has developed a series of Jesus Prayer challenges—Jesus Prayer 33 and 100— to teach and deepen the practice of this beautiful treasure of the Church. Fr. Michael is the pastor of St. Stephen Protomartyr Ukrainian Catholic parish in Calgary, Alberta, where he lives with his wife Kimberly and their five children.
Certainly one of the most famous prayers of the Eastern Christian tradition is “Jesus Prayer” or “The Prayer of the Heart.” So central is this prayer to the identity and common piety of Eastern Christians that it is sometimes simply referred to as “the Prayer.” Over the course of this Study Day weekend some important questions will be addressed: What is the pedigree and tradition of this prayer? How has it been practiced throughout the centuries? And most importantly, why is this prayer of such significance to us in our contemporary time? Whether you are new to this beautiful prayer or have made its practice central to your prayer rule, there will be some important “take aways” to deepen your prayer over this conference.
Printable Poster here:

To Register:
Full Schedule:
14:00-18:00: Registration
18:00 Welcome and Refreshments
18:30 Keynote: Charbonnel Lounge
Fr. David Anderson (Wyoming Catholic College): “The Transformative Power of Living the Liturgical Life”
19:30 Vigil for the Nativity of John the Forerunner at Trinity Chapel
7:45 Divine Liturgy (St. Sophia Chapel)
9:00 Light Breakfast (Windle House)
10:00-11:30 Workshop Session #1 (Madden Hall)
Nathan Williams & Nicole Richard Williams (USMC): Listening to Music as Prayer
11:30-12:00 Break
12:00 Keynote (Charbonnel Lounge)
Mike Bombak: “Praying the Jesus Prayer”
13:00 Lunch (Brennan Hall)
14:00-15:15 Workshop Session #2 (Madden Hall)
Dr Nicole Roccas (Trinity College): “Remembering All These Things: Holding Space for Trauma in Liturgy and Life”
Andrew Youssef (Trinity College) “Exploring Christology Through Praying the Agpeya, the Coptic Canonical Book of Hours.”
15:15-15:30 Break
15:30-16:45 Workshops Session #3 (Madden Hall)
Paul Ladouceur (Trinity College): “Theology in Color: The Art of Iconography”
Paige Souter (Trinity College): “Our Place in Pilgrimage: Liturgies of Holy Week”
17:00 Dinner (Brennan Hall)
18:00 Pre-Vigil Talk on congregational singing: Brian Butcher (McGill University)
8 a.m.-9:30 a.m. Hours and Divine Liturgy (St. Sophia Chapel)
9:30-11:00 Closing Brunch (Windle House)
5 p.m. Garden Party to Open Summer Graduate Seminar (Windle House)