What the Confessor Learned from the Theologian: Maximus the Confessor on Gregory Nazianzus’ Orations
What the Confessor Learned from the Theologian: Maximus the Confessor on Gregory Nazianzus’ Theological Orations Presenter: Fr. Andrew Summerson This lecture is part of a larger series of patristic lectures sponsored with St Augustine's Seminary: https://staugustines.on.ca/news/divina-eloquia
Lunch at Sheptytsky – The Making of “Gypsy Priest”
Sheptytsky Institute"Gypsy Priest" is the story of Father Miklos Soja, a Greek Catholic priest, whose mission among the Gypsy community during communism in Hungary inspired a national movement of Gypsy ministry among the most marginalized group in Europe. Long before the Second Vatican Council, Father Soja understood how walking with others in Christian friendship is still […]
Engaging Vladimir Lossky’s The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church
Sheptytsky InstituteLossky’s Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church in its French original and English translation offered the west a synthetic narrative about the Byzantine Christian theological tradition. This group of scholars will enter critical dialogue with the work to examine its insights, legacy, and value for contemporary theology. Lossky Looks West: His Views on Meister Eckhart Bernard […]
Study Days 2023 – The Art(s) of Prayer
Sheptytsky InstituteStudy Days 2023 June 23-25, 2023 The Art(s) of Prayer This summer’s study days brings together how Eastern Christians hold that saving beauty of the Word made Flesh before their eyes, hearts, ears, and minds through prayer. Come hear the best speakers—both experts and experienced practitioners on the subject—to lead you through all the ways […]
The Art of Martyrdom
Charbonnel Lounge 81 St Mary Street, Toronto, ONThe Art of Martyrdom An exhibition of Ukrainian icons painted on ammo boxes from the Ukrainian war front. The world debut of a choral work by Frank La Rocca with lyrics by James Matthew Wilson, invoking the intercession of the Ukrainian Martyrs to intercede on behalf of the nation’s current plight. A reading by poet James […]
Lunch at Sheptytsky – The Cult of the Dead
Sheptytsky InstituteLunch at Sheptytsky | The Cult of the Dead | Tuesday November 14, 11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Windle House, 5 Elmsley Place, University of St Michael’s College. Join us, Tuesday, November 14, for our latest installment of our Lunch at Sheptytsky series, where we speak with U of T professor Kyle Smith about his […]
Inverted Monophysitism: Discerning Trends in Contemporary Trinitarian Theology with the Premoderns
Sheptytsky Institute9 a.m. -11 a.m. A Master Class for Students and Faculty: Inverted Monophysitism: Discerning Trends in Contemporary Trinitarian Theology with the Premoderns Readings will be distributed beforehand via email Copies of The Trinity by White are available for pickup in preparation for Master Class at Windle House. Breakfast provided at 8:30. Event is Free, but registration required. […]
Study Days 2024
Sheptytsky InstituteDates: June 7-9, 2024 Theme: The Evangelical Witness of the Eastern Churches Speakers: Bishop Francois Beyrouti (MASI alumnus and Bishop of Melkite Eparchy of Newton) Fr. Thomas Loya (Pastor, Iconographer, and host of EWTN Radio program “Light of the East”) Kyle Washut (Ukrainian Catholic, President of Wyoming Catholic College) To register, please follow this link […]
Divine Liturgy: Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos
Elmsley Hall Chapel 81 St Mary Street, Toronto, ON, CanadaFrom time immemorial, the Church has celebrated the Most-holy Theotokos as the patroness and protectress of the Christian people, who, by her intercessory prayers, implores God's mercy for us sinners. The help of the Most-holy Mother of God has been clearly shown numerous times, to individuals and to nations, in peace and in war, in […]
Daily Vespers and Veggie Supper
Elmsley Hall Chapel 81 St Mary Street, Toronto, ON, CanadaJoin us for daily vespers and a veggie supper and spiritual conversation. VESPERS- AN EXPLANATION Vespers is served on weekdays and on the eve of major Feast Days and Sundays, Great Vespers (or Vigil) is also served. Sunset marks the beginning of the next day in the Church calendar (following Jewish Tradition). Hence Saturday evening is […]